The Rabies Vaccine

Receiving the rabies vaccine is an unpleasant experience. Len, our owner, and operator has experienced these vaccines.

Rabies is a complex topic, so we’ll start with the basics. Rabies is a disease caused by a virus. Furthermore, it attacks the brain and the central nervous system. We’ll explain how the disease is transmitted, what to do if you’re exposed, the symptoms of rabies, and the rabies vaccine.

How is it Transmitted?

The saliva of an infected animal or human touches a break in the skin and rabies is transmitted. The most common ways are being bitten by an animal or an animal licking a break in the skin. Additionally, if an infected animal licks one’s nose, mouth, or eyes it can be transmitted. Extremely common carriers of rabies include groundhogs, skunks, raccoons, bats, dogs, cats, coyotes, and foxes.

Potential Exposure

If you have been bitten by an animal, immediately clean the wound with soap and water. If possible, try to observe the animal. The observation should take place for ten days to visualize any unusual behavior. If the animal does not show any symptoms of a rabies infection, you may not need the vaccine. On the other hand, it is always better to be safe as rabies is fatal.

Additionally, if the animal has been or can be captured, it can be tested. Contact the PA State Game Commission for help when capturing a potentially rabid animal. The Department of Agriculture provides more information about its animal testing process.

If the animal is not familiar and can’t be observed, contact your local health department or an infectious disease expert. The disease expert can often be reached at your local hospital. The CDC should also be contacted to record any outbreaks.

Symptoms of Rabies

After exposure, rabies has a very long incubation period. This period can range anywhere from two weeks to two months. Once the symptoms start, they are not reversible. Skipping the vaccine isn’t worth the risk of a fatal virus. Ultimately, it’s always fatal and non-reversible.

Early Signs of Rabies:

  • Fatigue
  • Sore Throat
  • Vomiting
  • Headache

More Advanced Signs:

  • Hallucinations
  • Disorientation
  • Hyperactivity
  • Difficulty Swallowing

The final symptoms of rabies consist of paralysis, coma, and death.

The Rabies Vaccine

If you think that you may be exposed, consult with your doctor. Only hospitals carry the two-part vaccine, so an ER visit is necessary.

The exposure vaccine is completed in 4 doses:

First, one dose is given right away which is paired with the immune globulin. The globulin kick-starts the immune system and provides protection before the vaccine works.

Next, another dose is given on the third day. It is followed by a dose on the seventh day. Finally, the last dose is given on the fourteenth day.

Comparatively, a preventative vaccine is another option. It’s extremely beneficial for people who work around animals such as a veterinarian or animal control experts.

Vaccine Symptoms

Furthermore, there is a wide list of side effects and complications that can occur with the vaccine. As with any shot, soreness, redness, swelling or itching is very common near the injection site. In addition, a lower percentage of recipients experience headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, and dizziness.

Keep an eye out for symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction:

  • High Fever
  • Behavior Changes
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the Face and Throat
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Elevated Heart Rate

Bird Removal

bird removal in Lancaster Pa

Bird Removal

When birds return from their southern homes in the springtime, they begin to search for places to nest. Birds are looking for places that offer reliable shelter from the elements.

Moreover, they look for a higher place that protects their young. Sometimes a spot in or outside of your home becomes their home. Spring is the busiest season for bird removal in the Lancaster County area.

Where Do Birds Build Their Nests?

The most common calls we receive throughout the springtime and summer are birds behind shutters and birds in vents.

Birds nest in your attic, vents, chimney, or anywhere else where they find suitable. Removing the birds is a priority; they make messes and carry diseases. They carry encephalitis, salmonellas, pullorum, transmissible gastroenteritis, and tuberculosis.

What Are My Options For Bird Removal and Repair?

Bird removal should only be conducted by an experienced and licensed professional. Backyard Wildlife Solutions are your bird removal experts near you! We offer methods for permanently removing the birds and preventing them from gaining entry in the future.

As licensed professionals in PA, we provide you with solutions to any issues for birds or other unwanted wildlife. We also identify and craft recommendations to resolve other probable issues once the current entry point is thoroughly addressed.

Often, birds will find another area of your home to exploit once their primary area is taken.

Most birds in Pennsylvania are protected by federal law with the exception of a few nuisance species, such as house sparrows, starlings, and pigeons. If you have birds or other animals in your home, don’t hesitate to call us or contact us.

Backyard Wildlife Solutions provides bird removal in Lancaster, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Reading, York, and surrounding areas.


Foxes in Pennsylvania

Foxes are very intelligent predators with sharp senses. They can hear a mouse squeal up to 150 feet away! They’re usually known for their nighttime barking in the winter and large bushy tails. Furthermore, males are referred to as “dog” foxes, and females are known as “vixens”. 

What do they look like?

There are two types of foxes found in Pennsylvania; the red and gray fox. Red foxes have a vibrant red coat and a thick bushy tail with a white tip. Gray foxes have a speckled coat and a black tail tip. Both types are typically 2 feet long, with gray foxes being slightly larger than red. 

What do they eat? 

They are carnivores and will essentially eat any game that’s easily obtained. This usually includes field mice, rats, rabbits, groundhogs, opossums, cats, chickens, squirrels, insects, gamebirds, bird eggs, fruits, and grasses. 

They will also scavenge for food including roadkill and winter kills. Additionally, foxes are frequent visitors to the wild game or free-range farm operations. 

What do they do?

Foxes are usually nocturnal animals aside from summertime when they hunt full-time to provide for their young. They’re usually found in open meadows, small woodlots, and around the edges of fences and neighborhoods. 

They make their den sites in abandoned groundhog holes, rock piles, under concrete slabs, sheds, and decks. The entry point for their den is about the size of a basketball and animal bones are usually found nearby. 

Although foxes prey on other animals, they should not be considered a threat as long as they look healthy and usually react to external stimuli like human activity. 

Typical signs of their presence include missing animals, fences, sheds, or decks dug under. 

What diseases do they carry? 

Foxes can be infected and carry rabies so if a fox is not reacting appropriately to human presence, they should be perceived as a threat. Additionally, foxes carry mange, a skin burrowing mite, lose their hair, and exhibit obsessive scratching. Mange can be passed onto other foxes as well as domestic dogs.

Fox Removal

Currently, we do not offer fox removal as one of our services but we may be able to recommend another animal technician that does! Give us a call or contact us for more information about a fox removal referral.

DIY Animal Removal Mistakes

When an unexpected visitor enters your home, there are many ways to react.  Unless you have had professional training, you may make some typical mistakes when removing animals.

Here are some common mistakes many homeowners make while attempting nuisance animal removal.

Infographic of DIY Animal Removal Mistakes

About our professional removal process

At Backyard Wildlife Solutions, we find trapping to be the most effective method of removal for most animals. Furthermore, all of our traps and methods are approved by the Pennsylvania State Game Commission. We also use proper equipment and techniques during clean-up to prevent the spread of bacteria and disease. During repair, we use a practical approach that includes matching materials to your home’s aesthetic.

Overall, DIY methods of animal removal can be dangerous. Feel free to call us or use our contact form to receive assistance from a licensed wildlife technician.


Birds Behind Shutters Lancaster, Pa

Birds behind shutters

While it may be relaxing to hear birds in the morning, they can also be too close for comfort. If they are nested behind your shutters, constant chirping may interrupt your sleep habits. Birds behind shutters also cause damage to your home and may expose you to diseases.

Why are birds behind shutters harmful?

Not only can nuisance birds leave a large mess, but they also cause damage to your home. Birds nesting behind shutters is a very common occurrence we see in homes with a stone exterior with mounted shutters. The nesting debris hangs around the windows surrounded by droppings. If droppings are left to sit, they will corrode and destroy the exterior elements of your home. Moreover, while the outdoor temperatures rise, odors from their nests are pungent.

Diseases they carry

In addition to the noise, mess, and odor, they also carry bacteria and diseases. Histoplasmosis, Toxoplasmosis, West Nile Virus and Salmonella are just a few they carry. Hundreds of microscopic mites and parasites are found on birds and in their droppings.

Removal and Repair

In order to relocate the birds safely and humanely, bird removal should be handled by a wildlife professional. We handle the removal and cleanup of debris. To prevent birds from building more nests behind your shutters, we also offer exclusion options.

Some common exclusion methods used by other wildlife technicians may not be visually appealing such as bird spikes. We came up with a practical solution that creates a seamless look when finished. During our exclusion process, we craft custom bent and color-matched aluminum to fit the contour of the existing shutters. Ultimately, the aluminum sealing matches the aesthetic of your home while providing a long-lasting solution.

We also provide custom solutions for birds nesting above doorway headers too.

Do you need bird removal in Lancaster, PA? Contact us for a custom solution that’s consistent with your home’s aesthetic. We offer bird removal and other services in the Lancaster county area including Ephrata, Lititz, Manheim, and Harrisburg, and surrounding areas.

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