Ticks in Pennsylvania

Checking for ticks is expected during the warmer months in Central PA. Many people know that pets like dogs and animals can carry ticks, but other nuisance animals can too! If these animals gain access to your home, they could also bring ticks inside.

Ticks in Pennsylvania

Ticks are often found in wooded or grassy areas, if your property has or is close to a wooded area your home may be more susceptible to animals with ticks.

Back-Legged Ticks and Lyme Disease

There are various types of ticks in Pennsylvania, but back-legged ticks are the most concerning. They can be infected with Lyme disease and pass it on to their hosts. This typically causes symptoms like fever, headache, fatigue, and a skin rash in adults. If diagnosed early, Lyme disease is treatable.

Back-legged ticks do not fly or jump, they crawl onto people and animals from the ground or low vegetation.

What nuisance animals carry ticks?

We do not offer pest control for ticks but do offer removal of animals that are potential hosts. Penn State offers great advice for reducing ticks around your home. However, we deal with many animals that can carry ticks.

Ticks live on a variety of animals including deer, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, rats, mice, and birds. Ticks can also be found on dogs and cats.

Opossums: The Special Exception

Opossums kill about 90% of ticks that try to attach to their bodies. Although they eat most of them, ticks can still attach to them. Luckily, opossums have great immune systems and can easily fight off Lyme disease!

Animals That Can Be Infected by Lyme

Raccoons, chipmunks, rats, mice, birds, and squirrels can all be infected by Lyme disease. Symptoms are rarely noticeable in these animals, so we always recommend that removal is handled by a wildlife professional.

If you believe your pet has contracted Lyme, noticeable symptoms include lameness, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. However, many cats do not show symptoms when infected.

Animals in your Home

Aside from the usual damage nuisance animals create, there’s a chance they could bring infected ticks into your home. Physical removal of the animal is our first priority, we can then assess how to seal the home from other animals entering in the future.

Skunk Removal in Akron, PA

Skunk Removal in Akron, PA

We’ve received a lot of calls for skunk removal in Lancaster so far. This spring, we removed skunks in Manheim Township, Akron, Lititz, and other surrounding areas.

What do skunks do?

Skunks like to make their presence obvious. When they spray, the strong (and unpleasant) scent tends to stick around for a while. We understand the importance of quick and efficient animal removal when it comes to skunks!

During their breeding skunks spray. Breeding season runs from February to March, and smelling their scent is a strong indicator you may have a den of skunks on your property.

Locations of their den sites are commonly found in backyards. Patios, decks, and sheds are ideal spaces for skunks because it offers protection from the elements. Moreover, skunks are primarily nocturnal. Occasionally, they are seen during the day looking for food, or if they were frightened from their sleeping spot.

When traveling, skunks prefer to move along the edges of homes, tree lines, or fences to feel secure.

Skunk Removal in Akron

A property management group in Akron reported skunk activity at one of their rentals. The tenant noticed multiple skunks retreating to and from a den located under the home.

Our Removal Process

During our inspection, we discovered a loosely constructed foundation. This allowed skunks to slip under the home and live comfortably.

We removed a total of 9 skunks without a spraying incident! Additionally, we offered the owner a solution for exclusion to prevent other skunks or other animals from returning.

Skunk removal in Lancaster, PA should only be performed by a licensed wildlife control operator.

Call us or use our contact form for skunk removal in Lancaster and surrounding areas. We offer skunk removal and animal control of other animals in Lancaster, Harrisburg, Lebanon, York, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Reading, and surrounding areas in Pennsylvania.

Bats Inside the Living Space in Mount Joy, Pa

bat with open mouth

Last fall, we received a call from an Elizabethtown landlord. However, their property is located in Mount Joy. Multiple tenants reported bats inside their homes! They noted bats were in bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms.

Bats are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a bat flying around your bedroom! It is very unsettling especially if they continue to return. Because they are the most common carrier of rabies; bat removal needs to be handled with extreme caution.

A complete external entry inspection of the home was performed. Ultimately, we found multiple entry points. The old chimney provided easy access as well as dormers on the roof. From those points, the bats entered the attic of the building.

The Removal Process

When bats become comfortable with your home, they return on a regular basis. They enter through small spaces, so we make sure to identify all entry points.

We were contracted to do a complete sealing and exclusion of the building. After we removed existing bats using one-way doors, we sealed the entry points and completed other minor exclusion work. This ensures the apartments will remain bat free in the future!

In addition, bat droppings (guano) can contain contaminants that should be handled by an animal removal professional using PPE. Histoplasmosis is also present in their droppings.

If you have issues with bats or other animals inside your home, don’t hesitate to call us or use our contact form!

Groundhog Removal in Manheim Township

Groundhog Trap

We received a phone call from a residence located in Manheim Township. She noticed several disturbances from animals in her neighborhood. Most importantly, she wanted to remove a groundhog from under her deck. While the development was still under construction, the critters were constantly on the move. The homes and burrows of the animals were frequently disturbed by workers.

Why are groundhogs a nuisance?

First and foremost, groundhogs are carriers of rabies. They are not an animal you want hanging around your home, especially with children or pets. Moreover, their burrowing habits lead to cave-ins which turn into an expensive repair. Additionally, they spend their waking hours foraging and eating a lot of greens. Foraging in combination with burrowing leaves a huge mess in your yard or garden.

The Groundhog Removal in Manheim Township

In this situation, the deck area was a perfect location for a groundhog to dig. It was only a few inches off the ground which was just enough room for the groundhog to squeeze underneath. During removal, we trapped the groundhog. To our surprise, we also caught a skunk.

After the removal process was completed, we excluded any other animals from entering the deck. We performed some light excavation and installed a heavy gauge screening system. Ultimately, this method prevents any other animals from digging around the deck opening.

If you are experiencing issues with groundhogs, skunks, or other animals, please call us or use our contact form. We offer groundhog removal and all animal control and animal removal services in Lancaster, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Camp Hill, Carlisle, Reading, York, and surrounding areas.

Birds in Vents in Lancaster, Pa

house sparrow on wall

As spring approaches, birds return to the north and begin nesting. Bird problems develop when cavity dwellers, such as House Sparrows and Starlings, begin to invade your home.

Birds in vents are particularly destructive once they gain access to your home. Bathroom vents, dryer vents, stove vents, and microwave vents are common entry points. Birds will also access your home through gable vents and a wide variety of roof-mounted vents. These include ridge vents, powered fan vents, and static vents.

Damage Caused by Birds in Vents

Birds in dryer vents are an immediate hazard for homeowners. Dryer vents become clogged quickly with nesting material. Furthermore, this causes poor performance from your dryer and the potential for a fire hazard. Bird activity in a dryer vent also causes the exhaust line to tear, allowing the dryer to vent into the wall or ceiling. As a result, unseen moisture damage will occur in your home.

Birds in bathroom vents present different types of issues, such as odors and disease concerns. A clogged or damaged line in a bathroom vent creates air contamination-“sharing the air” with the birds. As the amount of nesting material and droppings increase, warmer temperatures increases odor. Eventually, the odor will permeate the living space. When the exhaust fan is activated, the clogged line can actually force air back into the bathroom.

Diseases they carry

Nuisance birds are direct carriers of disease and the most common ones are Histoplasmosis, Salmonellosis, and E. Coli.  Nuisance birds are also frequently associated with more than fifty types of ectoparasites (parasites that live on the exterior of another organism.) These pests can work their way into the home, infest the living space, and bite humans. A significant amount of these pests can also cause general health and well-being issues in both humans and pets.

We provide remediation and repair services for all types of bird issues and exclude the birds from gaining access in the future. We also replace damaged lines, clean out nesting debris, and ensure proper ventilation for all vents.

Call Backyard Wildlife Solutions today if you are experiencing bird problems or birds in vents. We offer bird removal and other services in Lancaster, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Reading, York, and surrounding areas.

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