Snake Removal in Harrisburg, PA
The most common snakes in our area are black snakes and garter snakes. These snakes primarily feed on rodents and bugs. While those benefits are appealing, snakes living inside your home aren’t ideal.
About Snakes
Snakes are cold-blooded meaning they can’t maintain a body temperature higher than the environment’s temperature. Some snakes prefer to hang out around rocks; they lounge on top of the rock to warm up or slither underneath it for shade. Most prefer environments around 55 degrees. Furthermore, they can survive in a 45-degree environment. Comparatively, at 32 degrees they will freeze to death.
Black Snakes
The average black rat snake ranges from forty to seventy inches. These snakes are the ones responsible for keeping mice and rats away. Moreover, they often hibernate in basements during the winter months. During the spring and summer, they like areas with loose soil, sandy habitats, or decaying leaves.
A large rat snake, around six to seven feet, can actually eat a raccoon or opossum.
Garter Snake
Common garter snakes range from twenty to twenty-eight inches long. They are found in a variety of places; cultivated fields, swamps, lawns, and gardens. Additionally, the eastern garter snake is the most common in Pennsylvania.
Their colors range from green to dark brown with prominent yellow stripes. Contrary to the popular belief, these snakes do have venom. However, it is not toxic to humans; it only slows down their prey.
What do they do?
Snakes enter homes and structures through small gaps around the perimeter. This also includes open basement windows or cracks in the foundation. Moreover, they enter in search of shelter, food, or both.
While entry points near ground level are ideal, black snakes are excellent climbers. They often climb brick, siding, or other rough surfaces to gain access to gaps along the roofline.
Are they dangerous?
Many non-venomous snakes are often mistaken for venomous snakes. The wide range of patterns and colors causes a lot of misidentification. In the Susquehanna Valley, the majority of our snakes are non-venomous.
About the Snake Removal Process
All snakes in PA are protected by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. For more information about local breeds of snakes, click here to be taken to their official website.
First, we fully inspect the perimeter of your home during the initial site visit. From there, we discuss trapping and removal options. We can then place traps and physically remove snakes without harm. Additionally, we relocate them to more suitable locations. Moreover, a range of exclusion techniques is available to prevent future issues.
If you have a snake or another animal in your home, call us, or use our contact form.